Formerly Open Air Campaigners - Overseas Ministries
Taking the Message of salvation in christ to developing countries through national evangelists
WORLDWIDE PROCLAMATION, established in 1980, is the Overseas Ministries Branch of Open Air Campaigners International that began in Australia in 1892. Our purpose is to open new branches with national evangelists in developing countries to reach the unreached with the gospel. So far 12 new national branches have been established.
THE NEED: Christ said, "this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" (Mt. 24:14). He then gave The Great Commission to His followers, commanding them to proclaim the Good News of salvation to every person. Multiplied millions of people are still unreached today. Many have never heard a clear presentation of the Gospel, showing Christ as the only way of salvation. In many places, there are no evangelical churches, and where they exist, most of these unreached people will never enter them. That's why Christ told Christians to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. There has never been a greater need to reach the lost multitudes, and there has never been a greater opportunity to evangelize them.
WORLDWIDE PROCLAMATION (WP): The Lord of the harvest gave some of His church to be evangelists (Eph.4:11). Our national evangelists have been called by God, have a Bible School education, and have been trained in our front-line methods of evangelism. They do not need high support, cultural orientation, furloughs, or visas, and cannot be deported.
They do however need personal support, ministry vehicles, film equipment, and an operating budget. Worldwide Proclamation has established new WP Branches in Africa, Russia, Ukraine, South America, the Caribbean, and South Asia. Each of our WP National Branches has a National Board of Directors and is registered with the government (or is in the process of being registered). Until national churches are able to support these evangelists, Christians in developed countries must stand behind them.
THE OUTCOME: Our WP evangelists are reaching over 500,000 people each year in remote villages, neighborhoods, public schools, city plazas, military bases, police academies, etc. People of all ages are hearing a clear presentation of the gospel in their own language. Many are responding to Christ. Churches are constantly calling on our evangelists to come for open-air outreaches in their areas. Wherever possible, follow-up is done by pastors, and churches are being planted by them. Persecution is sometimes faced, and some of our evangelists have been attacked as they go out as "lambs among wolves." Compelled by the love of Christ, we believe that we are immortal in His will until He calls us home.
Please pray for our evangelists as they go forth into the harvest fields, and consider standing behind them with your support.
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.”
Compelled by His love,

Chip Welton
Worldwide Proclamation Director
[email protected]

David Wilson
Worldwide Proclamation Field Director
[email protected]
Worldwide Proclamation is a member of Open Air Campaigners International - an interdenominational ministry of evangelism committed to preaching the gospel to the unreached through open-air and other outreaches in partnership with the church.