Newsletter of David Wilson


"Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.” (Isaiah 45:22)

Dear Friend,

Over 8 billion people are scattered across the earth. Some the these are in remote villages alongside jungle rivers in Bolivia. The Bible says that Christ died “not for ours only, but  also for the sins of the whole world” (1 John 2:2). He loved and died for the little Indian girl in picture #7. We who know Christ as Savior are commanded by Him to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15). Whoever truly believes will be saved and will receive His gift of eternal life (John 3:16). Whether we go as missionaries, pray, or give, we must be involved in the most important work on earth … bringing lost souls to Christ.

BOLIVIA Located and landlocked in the heart of South America, with a population of about 12 million, Bolivia is one of the poorest countries. A democratic government was established in 1985, but the leftist leanings of government leadership today see Venezuela and Cuba emerging as close allies. Growing Cocoa for making cocaine is much more profitable than growing other agricultural products, so there is a big drug problem. While many of the population would be called Catholics, most would be practicing animists. There is a great need for the pure gospel to be proclaimed, and most people are wide open to receive it.

Over half the population is descendent from Indian tribes (Quechua).To reach the most remote settlements requires the use of a boat. One of our supporters graciously covered the cost of an aluminum boat that we had made for this purpose. It is able to carry all our film equipment, generator, tents, food, water, gas, etc. for the entire trip. This is vital since there are no shops, gas stations, hotels, restaurants, clean water supplies or pharmacies, on the river. Our team included Isabella, my translator from Ecuador, whom I have known since she was a child. Just over 20 years ago, her mother Monica translated for me, and I began OAC Ecuador with her and her husband David. Isabella is on staff with the same calling as her mother. Also on the team was Robson (Bolivia Director), 2 others, and our Indian guide.

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After driving north from Santa Cruz for 5 hours, we slept on the pews in a church. The next day, our boat was lifted from our trailer by a special crane with two straps, swung out over the river with Robson in it, and launched. We clambered down the steep bank, climbed in, and set off for a journey of 5 hours. With out larger motor, we sped along at about 30 mph. Arriving before dark, our Indian guide walked into the jungle to meet the Indian chief.  The guide returned saying we were welcomed. Without this invitation, we would be driven out. We unloaded the boat and walked into the village with the film equipment. We were met by a swam of large mosquitos. They don’t bite the Indians or our Bolivians, but targeted me and Isabella. My Deet spray had no effect. They even bit through our clothes. After showing the film on JESUS, Isabella translated me, and the people became completely absorbed in the black light illustrated message. Preaching on Judgment Day, they hung onto every word.  Incredibly, some had cell phones, and were videoing the entire film and message. A prayer of salvation was given at the end, and all bowed to pray. Of course, only God knows their hearts, but their reverence showed that many were very sincere.

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The next day after breakfast, cooked by one of our team, we carried all of the equipment down to the boat, and set off for the next community. Only our Indian guide knew where the trails began by the river that cut through the jungle. The homes in these jungle villages are simple, and the picture above shows a little girl helping to keep hers clean with a home-made broom.

The Indians told us of big anacondas that can eat a cow, and jaguars that kill animals and people. They try to shoot the jaguars with shotguns.

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Again, all our equipment had to be carried up a steep bank and along a jungle trial. Although this was hard and difficult work, it all paled into insignificance when compared with the joy of seeing hearts open to the Spirit of God and His Word. They intently watched the JESUS film and the message of salvation on the sketch board.  Some said to us that we were the first missionaries ever to visit them. Four of the communities asked us to send a pastor and begin a church there. Our Indian guide will be the pastor in one of these churches, and he showed us the land they had already given him. Our Director is also in contact with local churches that are interested in starting new churches. After each meeting, they asked, “Will you come back?” Once accepted, you become part of their family. We received an invitation from the top chief to come back in September and hold evangelistic meetings during a 3-day festive gathering for all of these 9 communities that we visited. Robson, our Bolivia Director, committed to attend.

BY FAITH  In 1967 my wife (Elaine) and I stepped out by faith to become missionaries, sailing from our homeland of New Zealand to attend Columbia Bible College (now called Columbia International University) in the US. We were given a scroll by friends which read, “He has said, ‘I will never leave you, nor forsake you’” (Heb.13:5). These words of our Lord have always hung on the walls of our homes, and have never failed. In 1970, after I graduated, we joined Open Air Campaigners as missionaries. We had only $40 and an old car, but totally trusted our God to provide. We learned that the more we gave, the more we received. Now, 54 years later, Elaine is in heaven, forever being taken care of by her God and Savior, while I continue on in ministry with no plans to ever retire. I have always personally covered my air fares and travel expenses, even though this cost has greatly increased. The Lord has blessed this frontline ministry of evangelism as He led me to establish it in 12 developing countries with national evangelists. By His grace they are reaching over 500,000 people a year. We all live by faith trusting God to support us through His dear people. We have no other source of income. Our hearts are deeply grateful to you who are faithfully standing behind us with your prayers and gifts.  May the Lord bless you.


  • For pastors as they go to the Bolivian communities that we reached and plant churches
  • For protection of our evangelists, especially in Ukraine from missiles, in Russia from being drafted, in Congo from Monkey Pox, and in Bolivia from jaguars.
  • For Chip Welton, whom I have trained to be Director, as he handles the administration
  • For me as I go to the Congo (DRC) on Sept 18 - Oct 04 and Paraguay on Oct 20 - Nov 02
  • For the Lord to bless this ministry in 12 countries for His kingdom and glory

THANK YOU to you who are standing with us in this frontline ministry of evangelism. Thousands are being reached every month in 11 countries by our national evangelists. Gifts to “Where Most Needed” go to our evangelists with the greatest needs. We thank God for your partnership in this ministry.

Donations can be made online by clicking here. 

Compelled by His Love,

David Wilson