Help Us Spread God’s Word
Charitable Support
Worldwide Proclamation is a faith-based ministry. All our national evangelists are funded through the contributions of God's people in North America. While they are very active in working with local churches in developing countries, these local churches are presently unable to support them financially. This is where you can help.
Every week, thousands of unreached people hear the Gospel through our evangelists as they faithfully proclaim God's Word. These servants of God are trusting in Him to supply their personal and ministry needs.
You may not be able to go as a missionary to a foreign field, but you can have a vital part in reaching lost multitudes for Christ through your prayers and contributions.
Should you desire to support this ministry of frontline evangelism, you may do so by either using the electronic online donation option below or by mailing a donation check directly to our financial office.
Checks should be made payable to Worldwide Proclamation, with a note designating your contribution to a WP Evangelist, Branch, Sewing School, or Project. You may also give to our "Where Most Needed Fund," which will be used to help our evangelists with the greatest need. Tax-deductible receipts will be issued for each contribution.
May the Lord lead you according to His will as you prayerfully consider standing behind our national evangelists or sewing schools. We thank you for your interest, your prayers, and your financial donations of any amount. They are all great blessings to us!
You may send your check to:
Worldwide Proclamation
P.O. Box D
Nazareth, PA 18064-0520
Any questions related to support, please
call John Cutlip +1 (610) 746-0508
You may send your cheque to:
Open Air Campaigners Canada
P.O. Box 915
Wingham, Ontario N0G 2W0, Canada
Any questions related to support, please
call Henry de Ross +1 (519) 528-3226