
Doctrinal Statement

  1. The Scriptures: We believe God inspired all the words of the Bible without error in the original writings to give mankind His authoritative message.
  2. The Godhead: We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  3. Jesus Christ: We believe in His full deity, His virgin birth, His real humanity, His sinless life, His substitutionary death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension into Heaven, His present ministry as High Priest, and His future personal return to this earth.
  4. The Holy Spirit: We believe in His full deity. He convicts sinners, and indwells seals, and places believers into the body of Christ. He gives spiritual gifts and the power to live the Christian life.
  1. Man: We believe that God created all things as described in Genesis. We believe that the first man, Adam, sinned bringing spiritual death to all mankind, who, therefore, stand condemned, making the new birth absolutely necessary.
  2. Salvation: We believe that God gives eternal life to those who repent and put their faith in Christ alone, justifying them by the blood of Christ, and imputing His righteousness to them.
  3. The Church: We believe in the universal church to which all believers belong. We believe in the importance of the local church, which is made up of believers who gather for worship, fellowship, and teaching. We believe in the responsibility of the church to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ, preaching the Gospel to all nations.
  4. The Future: We believe in the immortality of the soul, the resurrection of the body, the eternal blessedness of believers, the eternal punishment of unbelievers.


1892 An English Barrister, E P Field, preached to lunch-hour crowds in Martin Place, Sydney, Australia, and formed the NSW Prayer Band to support this ministry.

1913 The NSW Prayer Band was renamed the NSW Evangelistic Prayer Band.

1922 The name was changed to 'Open Air Campaigners'. Gospel wagons were used to take the gospel message to people throughout NSW.

1939 OAC worked among the armed services during World War II.

1940 - 1950 The work extended to the states of Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, and overseas, firstly to New Zealand. It was during this period that the typical sketch board painting method became the 'trademark' of the work.

By 1970 OAC was well established in North America, Britain, and Germany.

1980 - 2020 saw definitive expansion beyond the traditional protestant homelands, and saw the establishment of branches in the former Communist Block, Caribbean, Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Worldwide Proclamation, a member branch of OAC International, was formed to target these developing nations.

The current state of our ministry can be seen on this website. Our evangelists continue to use illustrated messages on sketch boards, dramas and films in the open air meetings and school assemblies, and sometimes use the internet to reach out.

Worldwide Proclamation is a proud member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. To find out more, play the video.